Seeing we don’t have an autopilot we decided to put Yoren behind the helm. In that way he had no chance of getting sea sick.

We also don’t have a depth sounder, so we can only go to places where we have been before. Luckily dad keeps all the waypoints and good anchor spots on the iPad maps.

Nubesidup once more

It was good to see Marco and his old mother again and they were happy to see us.

For the next few days we settled in a routine: doing schoolwork in the morning and snorkeling in the afternoon, jumping overboard and off the bow when we got too hot, playing cardgames at night.

Otherwise we haven’t done much out of the ordinary. It was quite enjoyable other than the usual sibling rivalry (world war 10000…).

Mom’s Birthday

Wednesday 14th of August, we had cake for breakfast with presents. Then dad prepped to go to the beach. We used the tender boat as a big serving plate for snacks, while cooling down in the water.

It was a lot of fun.

Me and Yoren swam back to the boat afterwards and that night we had a movie night together along with cake (I ate most of the slices😁, ok listen it tasted really good).

Capo’s take on all this:

On Friday we left for Yansaladup for my brother’s last few days with us.

Nubesidup 2

One thought on “Nubesidup 2

  • August 31, 2024 at 10:06 pm

    Leave a contact number guys


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