The sea speaks a language polite people never repeat. It is a colossal scavenger slang and has no respect. Carl Sandburg
The captain of a ship carries the lives of its crew in his hands. He is therefore exempt of being polite. Any good captain will at some stage swear at his crew, at the sea, at the wind, at whatever. Just like a storm, it is best not to go in against it. Let it blow over, bearing in mind the current research that shows that cursing and use of foul language is linked to high moral values and honesty.
We are not going to write about rude language used on board in crisis situations, but we do want to share with you some words used by the Exodus crew:
African autohelm: If your autopilot control panel packs up, you have to make a plan. A good solution is an African autohelm. We got the best one you can currently get in our part of the world (see picture to the right).
Bare boat (charter): Naturist situation where captain and crew are all naked in the cockpit
Best restaurant in the world: A simple meal in a special setting can make your taste buds explode. Any food qualifies, if consumed on your own yacht in a secluded spot with fresh air, beautiful scenery, transparent water, sun setting, 360° degrees rotating view.
Black humor has nothing to do with Arno making a joke.
Bo blink onder stink: Situation in which the boat looks prim and proper, nice and shiny above the waterline, but is dragging a whole coral reef or some nasty surprises due to lack of maintenance below the surface. Applies to boats and their owners alike.
Boererum: Health tonic for sailors. Instead of using the Caribbean’s most famous Rum Punch to deal with yet another boring day at the outdoor office, chuck out the juice and go back to the bare essentials. Mix a shot of pure Antigua Gold Spice Rum or Panamian Abuelo (granddad) with 2 measures of cold Rooibos. Add a dash of lime to your liking. Best served on ice.

Bonobo: Animal name given to a child according to the behavior it displays in its specific developmental stage. Gitane moved from snaarlie (in uterus) to bosluis (sucking its host dry) to varkie (always dirty) to bobbejaantjie (jumping around the place, naughty, no manners or social skills) to bonobo (jumping around, climbing on and hanging off things, shows basic signs of socially accepted behavior). Currently she is aspiring the meerkat stage (cute yet unpredictable).
Bullet sailing: When Exodus is sailing to wind, puts her nose down and goes for it
Clusterfuck: Has got nothing to do with strange sex or wild orgies. Indicates any situation where multiple parties use 3P’s as a rule, for instance when you anchor in confined spaces such as a popular bay and do not take wind, current, and space between you and the neighbouring boats into account. In the middle of the night, with winds picking up and currents changing, it ends up in a circus.
Cruiser: Typical jack or jill of all trades that consciously decided on a completely different lifestyle for at least a few years, and often longer. A typical cruiser does not only know how to sail, but has a fair understanding of electronics, plumbing, sewing, and can overhaul an engine. Diving and underwater repair skills are commendable. Person who has forsaken all landlocked possessions in exchange for a boat of his liking and moved all his belongings onto it. The boat is completely self-sufficient regarding energy and water. Means of transport to land (dinghies, kayaks, peddle boards, …) and on land (bicycles, steps, motorcycles) are strapped on or packed in. His boat is his house, his sanctuary, his life.
Euro weenie: Intellectual coward. Spineless male. The ‘new’ man taken too far, so far all that is left is an empty brittle shell. Don’t kick him or he’ll cry. Don’t confront him or he’ll run away. Contagious condition afflicting too many European males. This is what happens if society invents words like ‘toxic masculinity’.
FAS: Fiery Ass Syndrome, frequent occurrence after ingesting too much chilly, something like this.
Genuine Seekoei: Cattle brought in on big boats from the mainland to supply islanders with meat. The seasick cows are killed on the spot on board, cut in pieces and sold off to the locals. First viewed by the Exodus crew in Mindelo, Cabo Verde. The term cattle class takes on a whole different meaning after this…
Grannie knot: Impressive looking knot system of several simple knots made on top of each other. Typically performed by inexperienced crew frightened that the knot will come out.
Loopdoppie: Supposedly the last drink before you leave, yet very often they come in pairs, triples, or fours… In Exodus’ case, often the start of a good party.
Lying Dutchman: dishonest, hypocritical person of Dutch origin who talks behind backs and creates dissent.
Lean mean sailing machine aka Exodus
Marina sailor: Person who prefers the safety and comfort of a marina. Plenty of live aboards cruising the globe combine their travels with work and regularly need docking to get faster internet and other amenities marinas can offer.
Packaged: is what Gitane feels at least five times a day. Boredom and lack of new exciting stimuli are processed through the tummy and interpreted as minor hunger signals, feeling ‘peckish’.
US Citizen: Each sailing boat should have one on board so you have something to declare at customs.
Rope tricks: are very necessary if you live on a boat. You use them to put your dinghy in the water, to strap on all your means of transport. Very handy when combined with pole tricks: used to secure your crew when they retrieve the genoa halyard from the top of the mast or have to glue on a new wind indicator.
Really wiggly: How little girls describe big swells and good wind.
Red bucket trophy: Title awarded to the person on board who managed to leave their brain out of decision making. Its origin goes back to a young boy who decided to scoop a bucket full of water on a slow sailing vessel. To his surprise the drag on the bucket was bigger than what his skinny muscles could carry and he landed in the water, holding onto his bucket for dear life. We are not disclosing any names.
Sandalista: Naive opinionated female that travels around the world convinced she is making it a better place. Not realizing she is superimposing her Western norms and values on cultures that have very little in common, making her a watered down version of what she hates most: ‘the colonizer’ or ‘the slave driver’.
Sea girl: Small girl chattering the whole time or making other noises, roaming around the crew going ‘mine mine mine’.
Sea Turdle: It is brown and it floats and it is not a sea turtle.
Sea horse : Are you aware of the equine propensity to jump in the sea for a swim? We are all familiar with horses galloping on the beach at sunset, splashing up bits of water from the incoming surf. But swimming in salty water seemed a whole different story… Hence, we couldn’t believe our eyes when we saw a Cabo Verde police officer and his horse strip to the essentials and go for a refreshing swim. We classed it as an exception, until we observed a similar scene in Jamaica a few months later…
3P’s or Piss Poor Planning. Self explanatory.
Vomit comet: Exodus while crossing from Portugal to Madeira, rolling in big swells and hard winds.
Weekend sailor: Person who does not live aboard and for whom sailing is a hobby no matter how passionate.
Wide eyed sailing: When a novice sailor is put on his/ her first night watch with 17knots wind and big swell. Adrenaline pumping in the veins. No problem staying awake, captain!
Zand muis: Itchy condition mainly afflicting small girls after building sand castles, body surfing, or creating sand angels.
Zee miauw: Bird that follows fishing boats going ‘miouw miouw’, and that simply cannot resist calamari lures. More commonly known as seagull.