After an eventful arrival we were double pleased to have reached our first stop and we decided to stay one week. Tropical islands My first impressions of the West Holandes: It is beautiful here. There are lots of reefs and
Sailing to San Blas
After we got out of Portobelo Bay, leaving all the pirates and old ruins behind, we put our noses to the wind and set course to San Blas. It was this endless scenery of ocean to one side and beautiful
Shelter Bay to Portobelo I slept most of the time when we were going to Portobelo. It was rocky and bumpy again when we got out of the port zone and the wind was blowing straight from Portobelo so we had
Sheltered cat and off to Panama
We had not been in a marina for 6 years, so we had to look for fenders and ropes. Capo was very happy when he heard we were staying in Shelter Bay marina for a week. He was sssooo happy